for a sustainable
hotel industry

Anchored in Eklo’s DNA, the environmental approach has been at the heart of our values ​​since 2014.

From construction to operation, everything is designed to reduce the environmental impact of our hotels:

- modular wooden construction (5 hotels in the group: Le Havre, Le Mans, Lille, Marne La Vallée, Toulouse)

- photovoltaic panels on the roofs of Eklo Bordeaux, Marne La Vallée, Roissy, Toulouse

- green electricity supplier, Ekwateur, for all hotels

- energy savers in all rooms and LED bulbs

- reduction in water consumption thanks to water aerators on taps and shower heads: water flow of only 7l/min (environmental label audit carried out by Betterfly Tourism in 2023 in hotels in Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand , Lille, Le Havre, Le Mans, Toulouse)

- dual flow flush

We have implemented a plastic reduction policy, so we remove all individual packaging and plastic bottles which we replace with micro-filtered water.

Eco wooden construction
Eco wooden construction
Photovoltaic panels
Photovoltaic panels
Low consumption construction
Low consumption construction
Vegetable garden in Bordeaux
Vegetable garden in Bordeaux
Waste reduction
Waste reduction

Our eco-friendly actions

Short supply chains

An Eklo hotel is set up in a way that allows it to anchor itself responsibly in its locality by supporting short supply chains.

We collaborate on a long-term basis with local businesses. We source regional cheeses and vegetables, locally brewed beers, coffee roasted near us.

Eklo hives

Knowing the vital role bees play in the natural ecosystem and for humans, we consider it essential to get involved in preserving biodiversity. This is why we produce our own honey thanks to BeeCity, a specialist in urban beekeeping in Lille.

Eco Mégot

Because a cigarette butt pollutes 500 L of water on its own and takes 12 years to degrade, we work with EcoMégot to collect, reclaim and recycle cigarette butts in our hotels.

Eklo Bordeaux,
a green hotel

The establishment has an “A” rating, the best index for environmental performance. Photovoltaic panels are installed on its slate roof for self-sufficiency in electricity.

The hotel’s location in the heart of the Bastide-Niel eco-district allows it to benefit from the urban heating network supplied by geothermal energy.

The vegetable garden

Eklo grows, harvests and cooks aromatic herbs, fruits and vegetables from its urban vegetable garden thanks to "Les Nouveaux Potagers", a Bordeaux company specialising in city vegetable gardens.

What's more…

Eklo Hotels - Concept


Eklo Hotels - Actualités


Eklo Hotels - Recrutement


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